Thunderclap Productions, a 501(c)3 Nonprofit


Donate by Credit or Debit Card

Make a one-time or recurring donation through PayPal:

Donate by Check

Prefer to donate by check? No problem! Just follow these instructions:

  1. Please make your check payable to “Thunderclap Productions” and write “Donations” in the memo line.
  2. Please be sure to include an email and/or mailing address, so that we can send you a letter for your taxes.
  3. Send your check to: Thunderclap Productions, 5248 Arboles Drive, Houston, TX 77035

What your donation supports


Your donation to Thunderclap Production helps support productions of new, lesser known, and under-represented works in Houston theatre. As we’re a 501(c)3, you donation is also tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.

We can’t do this without your help!


of you donation goes toward production and operations costs. The company is run by a volunteer board of directors.


of expenses are covered by ticket sales for a typical production. The rest is funded by grants and donors like you!