Thunderclap Productions
Congratulations! You’ve been invited to callbacks for the world premiere of the new musical The Chosen Ones!

Callbacks have been scheduled for:
March 1, 2025
When & Where
Callbacks will take place on March 1, 2025, starting at 3:30PM (CST) at Houston Met Dance (4916 Main St., Houston, TX 77002) in the Delia Stewart Studio. Callbacks may run as late as 8PM, so please let us know your time limitations for the day, so we can plan appropriately. Please fill out this form to give us that information and to confirm that you’ll be attending.
Our reservation starts at 3PM, so please don’t arrive prior to then. Find your arrival time by role:
- Daniel: Please arrive by 3:20PM if possible to assist us with starting at 3:30PM
- Alex: Please arrive by 3:30PM
- Billie: Please arrive by 3:40PM
- Caleb: Please arrive by 3:50PM
- Jo: Please arrive by 4PM
- Iris: Please arrive by 4:20PM
- Noah: Please arrive by 5:50PM
- Matt: Please arrive by 6:50PM
About the Show
The Chosen Ones is a new musical about a group of young LGBTQ+ people in a conversion therapy camp. The musical was written by Aaron Alon and this world premiere will be directed by Aisha Ussery and music directed by Phillip Hall. It will run August 28-Sept. 6, 2025 at the MATCH (Matchbox 3) in Houston, Texas.
Director: Aisha Ussery | Music Director: Phillip Hall | Writer & Composer: Aaron Alon | Casting: Aisha Ussery, Phillip Hall, & Aaron Alon
Character Descriptions
- ALEX: A butch lesbian with a keen intellect, 17
- BILLIE: A non-binary (AFAB*), white pansexual who grew up in a small town in the South, 16-17
- CALEB: A devout gay teen, 16-17
- DANIEL: A quick-witted gay teen, 17
- IRIS: A femme lesbian who recently came out, 17
- JO: A pre-transition transgender girl (AMAB*) forced to dress as a boy, 16-17 [Note: baritone role]
- NOAH: A well-meaning pastor who identifies as “ex-gay,” 30s-40s [Non-singing/dancing role]
- MATT: An incredibly handsome straight man who’s part of the camp’s grounds crew, 20s-30s [Non-singing/dancing role]
*AFAB means “assigned female at birth;” AMAB means “assigned male at birth.”
While some of this may be transposable, here are the vocal ranges for each singing role (parenthetical notes are high notes where an alternative option has been provided):

What to Prepare
Dance Call
Actors called back for the singing roles (Alex, Billie, Caleb, Daniel, Iris, and Jo) should be prepared for a dance call. Please wear character-appropriate clothing that allows you to move well. There’s nothing you’ll need to prepare in advance.
Prepare the sides that include the characters for which you’re called back. Nothing needs to be memorized, but being mostly off-book will help us best get the sense of you for each role. You may not be asked to read all sides at the callbacks.
Side 1
(Noah, Alex, Billie, Caleb)
Side 2
(Daniel, Iris, Jo, Caleb, Billie, Alex)
Side 3
(Daniel, Caleb, Iris)
Side 4
(Noah, Daniel)
Side 5
(Matt, Noah)
Side 6
(Iris, Daniel, Billie, Alex, Jo, Noah)
Side 7
(Noah, Alex)
Side 8
(Iris, Alex, Billie)
Side 9
Every actor should prepare their character’s parts of the opening song (“Waiting for a Miracle”), along with the excerpt(s) listed just for their character. Singers should prepare the music but don’t need to be memorized. You may not be asked to sing everything you prepared at the callback.
For each song/excerpt, you’ll find sheet music and three audio tracks:
- Demo Track: Listen to the song/excerpt as sung on the Concept Cast Album. While this can help you learn it, don’t attempt to duplicate the singer; we want to hear your interpretation.
- Rehearsal Track: Your melody played by piano over a softer version of the accompaniment.
- Accompaniment Track: What you’ll actually audition with.
Sheet Music Note: Note that when the music splits into three parts in “Waiting for a Miracle,” Iris is on top, Alex in the middle, and Billie on bottom for the soprano/alto parts and Caleb is on top, Daniel is in the middle, and Jo is on bottom for the tenor/baritone voice parts. Your rehearsal tracks will just play your part.
All Singers: “Waiting for a Miracle”
All singers should prepare their respective parts in this song.
Dramatic Context
The opening song of the show, as the different teens are dropped off at conversion therapy camp by their parents.
Download the Rehearsal Track for Your Character
Alex Excerpt
Where Did All the Butches Go? — Measures 40-69
Dramatic Context
Alex reflects on the disappearance of lesbian, and especially butch, culture, and how lonely the future seems as a result.
Billie Excerpt
This World — Measures 42-68
Dramatic Context
Billie shares their story of growing up in a small town in the South, but learning that the world and its pleasures are far richer than anything they were taught.
Caleb Excerpt
Save Me — Measures 50-85
Dramatic Context
When his fellow teens learn that, unlike the rest of them, Caleb is in conversion therapy by his own choice, he shares his belief that he is broken and that God will heal him.
Daniel Excerpt 1 (of 2)
I’m Going to Church — Measures 106-140
(Monologue + Final Verse)
Dramatic Context
Daniel tells the story about how he tricked his parents into letting him go to gay clubs and hook up with his boyfriend by telling them he was going to church events instead.
NOTE: Do your best to align the monologue to the track, but it’s more important to us to hear how you’d perform this than for the monologue to be perfectly in alignment.
Daniel Excerpt 2 (of 2)
The Secret of Makeup — Measures 1-28
Dramatic Context
Daniel surprises Jo by doing her makeup, saying that when done right, makeup reveals the hidden beauty within.
Iris Excerpt
This is Me — Measures 49-70
Dramatic Context
Iris shares her coming out story in one of the first small group meetings.
Jo Excerpt
Joseph/Jo — Measures 24-43
Dramatic Context
Jo tells her story about being born “Joseph,” struggling with her gender identity, and attempting suicide, as her family would prefer her dead than queer.
Production Info & FAQ
Diversity in Casting
Characters’ races aren’t specified outside of Billie (who’s white), but the cast should be racially diverse. Performers of all ethnicities, sexes, gender identities, gender expressions, ages, sexual orientations, and types, as well as performers with disabilities, are invited to take part in any audition/callback.
Actors cast in the six singing roles (Alex, Billie, Caleb, Daniel, Iris, and Jo) will be paid $1,250 for the rehearsals and run of the show. The actor playing Noah (a non-singing role) will be paid $1,000 and the actor playing Matt (a non-singing role) will be paid $750. Pay may be negotiable based on circumstances. This is a non-equity production.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I hear the full song or read the script?
Your Subtitle Goes Here
Yes! Visit, though we ask that you not share this URL with anyone who hasn’t been called back.
What if I can't make the callback date/time?
Your Subtitle Goes Here
Fill out the callback form and indicate that. We’ll do our best to find another time to consider you, but we strongly encourage all performers to attend the in-person callbacks if at all possible.
Do all actors need to sing and dance?
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No! Two roles have no singing or dancing: Pastor Noah and Matt. Please see the character descriptions above for more information.
When does the show go up?
Your Subtitle Goes Here
The production will run August 28-Sept. 6, 2025 at the MATCH in Houston. You should be fully available then. There will also be a preview performance of a couple of songs from the show on June 21st, as part of Thunderclap’s New Works Festival. However, not all performers will be needed for that June 21st performance, so we’ll work around who’s available.
What's the rehearsal schedule?
Your Subtitle Goes Here
Currently, outside of a couple of songs that we may include in a June 21st showcase at the MATCH (not everyone will be needed for that, so it’s fine if you’re not available), music rehearsals are slated to run July 7-22 on Monday and Tuesday evenings, and rehearsals with the director/choreographer are slated to run July 28-August 20, four days a week. Tech and dress rehearsals will be evenings Aug. 25-27. (The show opens Aug. 28th.)
Is this paid?
Your Subtitle Goes Here
Yes, all cast and crew are paid, though this is a non-union (non-equity) production. Actors cast in the six singing roles (Alex, Billie, Caleb, Daniel, Iris, and Jo) will be paid $1,250 for the rehearsals and run of the show. The actor playing Noah (a non-singing role) will be paid $1,000 and the actor playing Matt (a non-singing role) will be paid $750. Pay may be negotiable based on circumstances.
Do I need to be memorized/off-book for callbacks?
Your Subtitle Goes Here
Nothing needs to be memorized, but being mostly off-book/memorized will help us best get the sense of your performance.
Can I add riffs or make it my own?
Your Subtitle Goes Here
For ensemble sections, please sing the music as written. For solo sections, feel free to make it your own! Play with the rhythm, throw in short ornaments or riffs, etc. We want to hear what you bring to the music. That said, please be familiar enough with the music that if we ask you to try it as written, you can do so.
I have a question not answered here.
Your Subtitle Goes Here
Email your question to and we’ll get back to you!